No first mate more loyal than Sarah Sharpe.

Digital painting portrait of Sarah Sharpe from the film The Sea Beast. She is a black woman wearing a bandana and a hat with a feather. She also has a shirt, vest, and jacket typical of a pirate, and a sash displaying bones of slain sea beasts. The lighting is a teal color and dramatic, with glowing rim light

Sarah Sharpe portrait is done!  I wound up trying to emulate some of the dramatic lighting from the film.  There are so many beautifully done details and design elements to get caught up in when you’re watching, but the lighting and colors absolutely stand out as one of the top beautiful things to take in.

a cropped close-up of part of the digital painting showing the bones of the slain sea beasts a cropped close-up of the digital painting showing details of beads on one of Sarah's braids

process gif showing sketch to flat colors to rendered digital painting of Sarah Sharpe from the film The Sea Beast

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