Feathers, feathers, feathers…

Cropped preview of digital painting, showing the partially rendered feathers on the tooth fairy's face

Tooth has such a beautiful design, both in Rise of the Guardians and in the Guardians of Childhood book series.  I really admire all of the character design in Rise of the Guardians, and Tooth’s iridescent feathers are so beautifully done, which makes trying to translate her design into my style somewhat high pressure!

She doesn’t have eyebrows proper in the film, but to balance out her face a bit I’m trying to cheat the feathers into something like eyebrows.  There’s also been some criticism about Tooth’s flesh being so light when so much of her design and the design of her palace calls back to India.  This has led to a lot of fan artists drawing her with darker skin.  I’ve decided to also take this route.

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