Jack Frost Custom Doll

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I finally got around to finishing and taking pictures of my Jack Frost doll!

He started off as an Ever After High Hunter Huntsman doll. I had to paint him a lighter skin tone and make him a wig (which I did haphazardly with hot glue, Elmer’s glue and doll hair, AKA I had like 30% of an idea what I was doing and this was the result). His pants are Hunter’s pants, dyed darker, cut, and painted. I made both his colonial outfit from the beginning of the movie and his hoodie he wore for the rest of it.

I had to start his face over like three different times. The first time I messed up something with the colors, the second time I cracked the paint, and after a lot of frustration I got it to work out the third time.

His staff is made out of wire and sculpey, then painted with acrylic paint.

What’s nice about the boy dolls is that they can stand by themselves if you pose them right. The frost in the first picture in this set was added with photoshop. I took that picture with my mother’s glass coffee table and a black piece of paper underneath. I’m going to have to make myself a better set-up for future doll pictures.

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