Rowan Sawyer Doll Mod

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And here we are with my Rowan doll mod! I finished her and Jack at the same time, but I edited his pictures first.

Rowan started as an Ever After High Ashlynn Ella doll. It took forever to re-hair her, but to be fair I never really sat and just focused on that. I would re-hair her when I was still in classes during critiques when I remembered to bring her, and she was still only about halfway done when I graduated.

I’m really happy with her face, I think it’s my best face-up so far. Unfortunately her freckles aren’t too noticeable in the pictures.

I’m also pretty happy with her coat It was my first try hemming something so tiny, that was an adventure. I crocheted her scarf out of some embroidery thread and it came out pretty sloppy. Do not recommend, I started over like eight times. I guess next time I should get real yarn. Her shoes were stolen from one of my Monster High fashion packs and painted black.

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