I would post Pitch’s portrait on Jack’s birthday, wouldn’t I? Anyway, now I’m done with my Guardian portraits.
Pitch was not originally part of the plan. I mean, technically it was supposed to just be a one-off portrait of Jack.
But, once I did Tooth’s portrait, I thought it would be nice to have a portrait of each of the Guardians done for the film’s anniversary.
Then I thought, if I have time before the anniversary, I should do one of Pitch, too. Bunny and Sandy wound up taking a lot less time than I expected them to, so here Pitch is.
He is so angular, his face is like 80% cheekbone, so I had to make some adjustments to adapt him from the Dreamworks style to mine. But I had fun with him, and the moment I put him in shadow, he felt so much more correct.
I debated over whether I should give him eyebrows or not, and I decided not to. I also gave his robe thing a bit of a collar, it just felt like it should be there.