Teddy – Smoke Break

Digital painting of a lean caucasian enby individual, he/they are leaning against cement stairs while smoking a cigarette and glancing upward.  They have blue hair, blue eyes, and black and white roses tattooed on their neck.  Their hair is shaggy and they wear heavy eyeshadow.  They are wearing a black tanktop, a necklace with a question mark, a red hoodie, and a black vest. A cropped close-up of part of the digital painting featuring part of the vest.  The vest features studs, an enby pride flag pin, a bisexual pride flag pin, a melting clock pin, a ghost pin, and a pin that looks like a pair of lips. A cropped close-up of part of the digital painting featuring the face. A cropped close-up of part of the digital painting featuring the zipper of the hoodie and the question mark necklace A process gif showing the process of the digital painting from sketch to colors to completion.

I got a bit distracted repainting some furniture and working on my halloween costume in the middle of working on this, but managed to sit and finish it today.  I’m really glad to have a finished painting of Teddy at last.  It also gave me the opportunity to make a few tweaks to their design, and I really like the results.

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