Here’s the next addition to my character designs for The Muse Asylum, a fictional band… Read the postQuinn – Turnaround
“What’s that odd pitter-patter?” “That’s just the rain. You like the rain?” “Getting wet? No.… Read the postSketch – Miss Acacia, Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart
Rowan when I first started working on her, versus Rowan very recently. If it makes… Read the postRoughing up characters is half the fun.
Another member of The Muse Asylum! This is my friend’s character, Rosalie. She plays bass.… Read the postRosalie – Turnaround
I know I’ve been quiet for a few days but I couldn’t post progress shots… Read the postChristmas Gifts
Another character sheet! I’ve been working on this one off and on since October and… Read the postNicolette – Character Design
It still needs all the frets and the strings and ugh, a lot of stuff.… Read the postSo does drawing guitars ever get easier?