Outfit August Day 28 – Aquatic / Ocean

Outfit August 2022 Day 28 - The aquatic outfit consists of fence net stockings, teal heels with strings of pearls as straps, and a teal dress. The dress includes teal scales, which also accent parts of the skin and stockings, a teal star fish detail, and pearls. There are also hair pieces including more strings of pearls and teal sea shells. Outfit August 2022 Day 28 - Cropped Close-Up

This turned out way campier than I expected, I don’t know what happened.  Under the sea~

Outfit August Prompt List. 1 - Base 2 - Winter 3 - Spring 4 - Summer 5 - Autumn 6 - Lingerie 7 - Swimwear 8 - Sleepwear 9 - Floral 10 - Stripes 11 - Vintage 12 - Spooky 13 - Semi-Formal 14 - Formal 15 - Layers 16 - Cozy 17 - Spa Day 18 - Fitness 19 - School 20 - Work 21 - Cosplay 22 - Pride 23 - Fable 24 - Pirate 25 - Hellish 26 - Heavenly 27 - Celestial / Galaxy 28 - Aquatic / Ocean 29 - Wedding 30 - Funeral 31 - Pick A Decade / Free Day. Twitter: TeraSART / Instagram: TeraS_Art

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