Outfit August Day 22 – Pride

Outfit August 2022 Day 22 - The pride outfit consists of a flowing rainbow crop top, a pair of purple shorts, purple fishnet stockings, purple high-top converse sneakers, and a necklace with rainbow star charms. She has a heart in the bisexual pride flag colors on her cheek and is holding a bisexual pride flag and an asexual pride flag. Outfit August 2022 Day 22 - Cropped Close-Up

I created Rowan before really realizing I was bisexual and looked back at her like “Oh, I gave her big bisexual vibes and I’m going to have to deal with that at some point,” so here she is!  She gets an ace flag too, because I’m not sure any of my characters are allosexual in hindsight.

Outfit August Prompt List. 1 - Base 2 - Winter 3 - Spring 4 - Summer 5 - Autumn 6 - Lingerie 7 - Swimwear 8 - Sleepwear 9 - Floral 10 - Stripes 11 - Vintage 12 - Spooky 13 - Semi-Formal 14 - Formal 15 - Layers 16 - Cozy 17 - Spa Day 18 - Fitness 19 - School 20 - Work 21 - Cosplay 22 - Pride 23 - Fable 24 - Pirate 25 - Hellish 26 - Heavenly 27 - Celestial / Galaxy 28 - Aquatic / Ocean 29 - Wedding 30 - Funeral 31 - Pick A Decade / Free Day. Twitter: TeraSART / Instagram: TeraS_Art

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