Lay Me Down

Nicolette is a character that I made up back when I was fourteen, and I still have so much fun playing around with her (and it’s funny, her dye job is very much in fashion now). I feel like there’s an obvious improvement even between this and the last piece I finished of her, which pleases me a lot.

For this one, I was thinking a lot about asexuality and how I relate to the world. There was a point a while ago where I started to question if any of the characters I created and wrote about could reasonably be considered allosexual. I was writing what was true for me, whether I knew that was asexuality at the time or not.

Nicolette stood out in particular: a character whose sexuality, in hindsight, felt highly performative. I think she comes to realize that she’s actually gray-ace. I wanted to draw something relevant to that, without just drawing her with the ace or gray-ace flag.

I decided to base things around the ace ring and the general color scheme of black, white, gray, and purple. I think it’s fun and I’m pretty pleased with it.

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