I’ve been bouncing between projects lately, working on things here and there and then working on something else. I haven’t had much to post.
I did finish one of the projects though, and here it is! I have admired the Killstar Sickly Sweet Waistbag for a while, but it has unfortunately been sold out the entire time I’ve admired it. So, I’ve had it in the back of my mind that I might try to make a waist bag with bat wings myself.
I used this free pattern as my base. I free-hand drew pattern pieces for the wings, which I attached to the front piece of the bag in the same way I attached the straps to the back piece of the bag. I probably should have added some more interfacing in the wings, I don’t know how well they will stand up on their own, but they don’t immediately wilt, which I will take as a victory.
I also wound up adding an inside zipped pocket to the back and a small eyelet hole, because I have intentions of using this when I walk my dog and that would be a nice spot for dog waste bags. It would also work well for a power block and cord at events that allow small bags.
Two of the three zippers I used were from previous items I had altered. One was a side zipper for a skirt I wound up taking apart and adding an elastic waistband to. One was part of a removable cover to my dog’s little stairs to get on the couch. She really didn’t like the little stairs compared to another ramp I have for her, so I wound up taking the cover off and making the stairs into a ramp myself rather than buy a new, expensive, ramp. The good news is that my dog loves and uses the ramp and I got fuzzy scrap fabric with a huge zipper out of it. It was a double zipper, too, so I actually managed to use it on two projects.
The way I attached the straps is a little wonky, but no one will really see that part of the bag. For the most part, everything seems sturdy!