
Hi there! Figured I’d use the first official post on this page as a chance to introduce myself an a less “official artist statement/about page” kind of way.

So yeah, these are some things you should know about me!
-My favorite colors are red and black
-I love rock and roll
–but listening to obnoxious pop music is the best way to draw (my iTunes library gets embarrassing real fast)
-I was born in California and grew up in Las Vegas
–I’m in Colorado for school, it’s way too cold
-I’m a huge dog person
-I’m Spanish on my mom’s side
-My last name is silly and very English
-My favorite president is Theodore Roosevelt
-I love animated movies and take them much too seriously
-I’m crazy superstitious and definitely believe in ghosts
-My favorite shopping day is November 1st because all the Halloween stuff is on sale
-I love makeup, eye makeup is my favorite

So yeah, that’s me. Don’t be surprised when any and all of these things show up in my illustrations.  Black and red is basically my default color scheme.  Spanish legends like La Llorona, and imagery from Dia De Los Muertos have made appearances in my artwork as well.  I spent a great deal of high school creating illustrations to go with my favorite albums.

Let’s get this blogging thing started!

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