I’m A Hex Girl

This is one of my most ambitious pieces. I wanted it to feel like a picture or point of view of someone watching a concert from right at the front of the barricade.

I miss concerts a lot and even before the pandemic, the number I had been attending had shrunk significantly. But I had a lot of fun thinking about how a Hex Girls concert could potentially go.

I put candles and cobwebs as stage decor and I’m so glad that I saved the logo I made them for future use the first time I drew them. Some day I will draw Thorn’s bat guitar properly.

I had started another drawing with the Hex Girls performing, but wound up abandoning it because it felt too daunting. This one turned out to be a much more interesting composition and I spent a long time getting my reference just right so that I had a good foundation to work with. I looked through a ton of pictures of live bands, including pictures I took at past concerts. I also wound up looking a lot closer at concert lighting than I have before.

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