“I don’t like it. Paint it red!”

Digital painting portrait of Nicholas St. North, Santa Claus, as he appears in the film Rise of the Guardians. He is a large caucasian man with a black fur-lined coat and a black fur hat. He has dark bushy eyebrows and a long white beard. He is lit from behind by the moon. Cropped close-up Cropped close-up Cropped close-up

“I don’t like it. Paint it red!”

I finished North! I feel pretty good about how he came out, I’m glad that he did look better once I really got into working on his beard.

I’ve sketched North before, this is the first time I’ve actually finished a fully colored painting of him. At some point I would love to do younger North from the books.

This leaves me with Sandy and Bunny left to get a portrait. I feel like Sandy will be weird to work on but still human enough that I can figure it out. I am very nervous about Bunny, I am gonna have to do hella studies beforehand.

Process gif showing rough sketched to finished painting

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