Graduation Pieces – The Rebel

the-rebel-terasart the-rebel--terasartCharlotte, unfortunately, didn’t get to hang in the show, but here she is!  Charlotte is the oldest of my characters, I created her back around 2005 when I was 13.  She’s been redesigned the most, and only Nicolette’s story has been revamped more.  At the moment, however, Charlotte’s story is that of a teenage girl starting to rebel.

Charlotte’s mother, a devout Catholic, died in an accident when Charlotte was young and ever since Charlotte’s relationship with Catholicism and God has been complicated.  Over the years Charlotte has had to play stand-in mother to sister and has bottled up a lot of rage for the sake of being agreeable and well-behaved, as is expected of her.  She attends a private school with heavy church affiliation where she is constantly reminded of her conflict with God while fading away into the background.

That is, until she falls in with the wrong (or perhaps right?) group of people and finally begins to act out against everything and everyone she’s always been angry at.

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